So Vacation? Yes, but apparently a vacation from writing too. It has been a hectic February starting with vacation and then a very sick child, a sick self a sick husband, a week long yoga training and finally a sick child again.
It always amazes me how when I get out of a routine life goes haywire. A need to stay connected and balanced goes out the window and I often find myself looking at a period of time (this time a month) and wondering what happened.
After much chaos and conflict, I think we are all back on track. All working to take care of ourselves and having an opportunity to grow. For me part of my growth came on the Commuter Rail coming home from Boston one night after an almost 15 hour day of commuting and yoga, and talking about the principles of yoga when I was reflecting on the Yama and Niyama (Part of the 8 Limbs of Yoga). I had been doing a lot or reading for this training and suddenly I realized that the grounding I needed had been starting me in the face for quite some time. So I have decided that I will take a few weeks and reflect upon each individually during this journey I am currently on.
Yama - the ethical disciplines by which to live. Our timeless moral code.
1. Ahimsa- non- violence, or non-killing
Ahimsa means so much more than, though shall not kill. It is referring to everyone and everything. It is about living a non-violent life style. In thought, action and belief. In yoga, not pushing past what your body can do, being non-violent in the way we care for ourselves and our family and those around us. And often most importantly, it is about self criticism. Letting go of the violent nature with which we think about the world and the people in it.
During the next few weeks I will work to write about how I am following this, and will use the blog as my journal on my journey to growth.
As always I am open to any feed back you may have!
So nice to see you blogging. I'm one to talk huh!! So good to see you on Saturday!!